Saturday, 4 May 2013

Speaking out about Psychopaths and Parental Alienation

We become weak in this battle against parental alienation and we allow fear to paralyze us.  When we contemplate resisting, speaking out or making yet another court application, we freeze because we know we can no longer rely on the so-called "justice system". 
Our greatest and most noble human desires are for the Truth, Freedom and Love.  
In the beginning of our journey in family court, we expected justice, truth and freedom to reign.  Over the years, through consistent resistance from the court, manipulation and exploitation by corrupt lawyers and a ruthless agenda by a psychopath ex-spouse, we are worn down to the point where we succumb to Learned Helplessness.

When we speak up about the abuse and the injustice, the judge lashes out yet again, taking yet another freedom away from us or our children or children.
When we don't speak up about the abuse and injustice, the psychopath continues, unfettered in his or her tyranny to destroy the mind and souls of our children.
We fear the repercussions if we speak out, and yet, if we don't, we are doomed - our children are doomed. 
I live the fear, but I will not give in to it, no matter how tired I become.  I will unite and combine my efforts in this battle with other good parents.  We will overcome our fear and present ourselves as a force for freedom for our children and our families.
If we don't work together and act to speak the truth in court and in society, our future and that of our children will be dictated and ruled by psychopaths.
Let us educate ourselves, make a decision and then act.  We owe it to our children.

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